Thanks you for coming and saying everything you reminded me to treat everyone the same and not to bully or be rude to anyone because of a disability
You're an excellent artist, songwriter, author, and singer. The kids like singing along with you and we'll be singing those songs for a long time
Thank you for coming to our school and sharing with us. You are my hero. You've inspired me to draw and be creative. I know it must be tuff for you. If I ever see a guy picking on an autism kid. Then I will stick up for him
Brianna, Student
Principal La Costa Heights Elementary
Tyler, Student
"I want to create visual arts media that teaches good character qualities to kids of all ages"
Joel Anderson has been speaking publicly on his journey, with Autism since 2005. Having 13+ years of experience, Joel is recognized by many as an exceptional speaker for both young and mature audiences alike.

"I want to create art that makes people smile"
The Author
Medieval Trio Tales is a story about what it means to be a friend to someone in need.

Coming Soon